Festival update
I've been neglecting this blog big-time since it was created last October for the Austin Film Festival. But now I'll start adding to it regularly. So here's a brief recap of life on the festival circuit for "Two Harbors" for the past year or so. 18 festivals and 8 awards, in roughly chronological order:
Fargo Film Festival (My very first festival screening ever, so I'll always have a soft spot for it. Plus I was there with my mother and Jana Kramer, production manager and friend. Screened in the Fargo Theatre, a large, nicely restored Art Deco theater in downtown Fargo. Great sound system and great audience. They also gave me a Fargo Film Festival scarf. Which I've never worn)
Minneapolis-St. Paul International Film Festival (This was only our second festival screening, and the theater - one of the Lagoon theaters in the Uptown neighborhood of south Minneapolis - was packed, so I'm glad Catherine E. Johnson and Alex Cole, the two stars of the film, were there to do the post-screening Q&A with me. I skipped the awards ceremony on the closing night of the festival because what were the odds? And then we won Best Feature! Alex was there to pick up the award for me. A painted eggshell.)
Free Range Film Festival (Wrenshall, MN - one of my favorite festival experiences. Films screened in a big barn, on a perfect summer evening. I only wish the new film - "The Quietest Sound" - had gotten in this year. Oh well.)
Bay Street Film Festival (I drove up to Thunder Bay for this festival - about a five hour drive - and stayed at the Prince Andrew Hotel. My room had a great view of the Sleeping Giant out in the bay. What's the Sleeping Giant? google sleeping-giant and thunder-bay and you'll see. Oddly, when I showed up for my screening, no one was there to introduce me, and there was no post-screening Q&A. Oh well. I still enjoyed seeing Thunder Bay for the first time, and was very happy to be at the Canadian premiere of the film.)
Austin Film Festival (Where this blog began. See reviews, interviews, etc. I loved Austin. It was my first visit. Highlights: the bats at the Congress Avenue Bridge, the LBJ Library on the UT campus, and visiting with my friend Kristi and her dog Cleo. I skipped the awards luncheon since it was the only time I had to see the LBJ Library. Luckily Alex was in attendance because he got an Honorable Mention for his acting.)
Milwaukee International Film Festival (The festival popped for my hotel room so I drove over the day before the screening. This time I did go to the awards ceremony and we won. Best Feature. And they handed me the award - a large replica of an old movie projector welded together from
rusty car parts! I'm not kidding. It must weigh twenty pounds. The next day was another screening in the new wing of the Milwaukee Art Museum, which is very cool. Especially strong in their contemporary collection, I thought. Unfamiliar (to me) works that really worked together in the way they were displayed. My friends Doug, Steve and Roseanne drove up from Chicago for the screening, which was nice of them. (Here's a photo of the entrance atrium of the new part of the museum, the first Santiago Calatrava-designed building in the United States. It's amazing.)
Beloit International Film Festival (I didn't go to this one. But thanks, BIFF.)
Beverly Hills Fine Arts Industry Showcase (The film actually screened twice at this venue. Alex attended both screenings. I missed them.)
Sarasota Film Festival (You have to like this festival - they paid for my airfare, hotel room, and the filmmakers' lounge had so much free food I don't think I spent a penny the entire weekend. Plus, they had limos taking filmmakers wherever they wanted to go! I hope I go back there some day. Although I did get stiffed on a couple of t-shirts. But that's a long story. Also, for whatever strange reason, I was selected to appear one morning on the CBS affiliate's morning show. That meant getting up at 4:30am,
sitting in the green room for an hour, and then trying to look intelligent on-camera at 6:00am. Luckily I didn't have to watch it, so I have no idea how it went. And did you know that television studios have no cameramen? I mean, they must be there, in a control room, but the cameras themselves - in this case at least four - are remotely operated, and move noiselessly around the studio like lumbering aliens. Very weird. But very cool, too. And a little alarming, when it's time for your segment and suddenly a couple of the camera-automatons turn and slowly and silently come at you.) That's a photo of the Ringling house in Sarasota, which is part of the Ringling Museum of Art, where I spent a pleasant few hours. The art is displayed in a separate museum building, but the house is also open for tours.
Fargo Film Festival (My very first festival screening ever, so I'll always have a soft spot for it. Plus I was there with my mother and Jana Kramer, production manager and friend. Screened in the Fargo Theatre, a large, nicely restored Art Deco theater in downtown Fargo. Great sound system and great audience. They also gave me a Fargo Film Festival scarf. Which I've never worn)
Minneapolis-St. Paul International Film Festival (This was only our second festival screening, and the theater - one of the Lagoon theaters in the Uptown neighborhood of south Minneapolis - was packed, so I'm glad Catherine E. Johnson and Alex Cole, the two stars of the film, were there to do the post-screening Q&A with me. I skipped the awards ceremony on the closing night of the festival because what were the odds? And then we won Best Feature! Alex was there to pick up the award for me. A painted eggshell.)
Free Range Film Festival (Wrenshall, MN - one of my favorite festival experiences. Films screened in a big barn, on a perfect summer evening. I only wish the new film - "The Quietest Sound" - had gotten in this year. Oh well.)
Bay Street Film Festival (I drove up to Thunder Bay for this festival - about a five hour drive - and stayed at the Prince Andrew Hotel. My room had a great view of the Sleeping Giant out in the bay. What's the Sleeping Giant? google sleeping-giant and thunder-bay and you'll see. Oddly, when I showed up for my screening, no one was there to introduce me, and there was no post-screening Q&A. Oh well. I still enjoyed seeing Thunder Bay for the first time, and was very happy to be at the Canadian premiere of the film.)
Austin Film Festival (Where this blog began. See reviews, interviews, etc. I loved Austin. It was my first visit. Highlights: the bats at the Congress Avenue Bridge, the LBJ Library on the UT campus, and visiting with my friend Kristi and her dog Cleo. I skipped the awards luncheon since it was the only time I had to see the LBJ Library. Luckily Alex was in attendance because he got an Honorable Mention for his acting.)
Milwaukee International Film Festival (The festival popped for my hotel room so I drove over the day before the screening. This time I did go to the awards ceremony and we won. Best Feature. And they handed me the award - a large replica of an old movie projector welded together from

Beloit International Film Festival (I didn't go to this one. But thanks, BIFF.)
Beverly Hills Fine Arts Industry Showcase (The film actually screened twice at this venue. Alex attended both screenings. I missed them.)
Sarasota Film Festival (You have to like this festival - they paid for my airfare, hotel room, and the filmmakers' lounge had so much free food I don't think I spent a penny the entire weekend. Plus, they had limos taking filmmakers wherever they wanted to go! I hope I go back there some day. Although I did get stiffed on a couple of t-shirts. But that's a long story. Also, for whatever strange reason, I was selected to appear one morning on the CBS affiliate's morning show. That meant getting up at 4:30am,
Cedar Rapids Independent Film Festival (We needed an Iowa connection to get into this festival, and Jana provided it. She's a graduate of Grinnell. I didn't attend but we won the Silver Eddy Award. Which is very cool - they mailed it to me. A large 35mm film reel mounted on a wooden base, inscribed with my name and the title of the film. Again, if I ever figure out how to post photos....)
Eugene Film Festival (The festival director urged me to attend, and I tried, but I could never find a reasonable plane ticket. So sure enough, we won Best Feature. And another cool award - a black glass tile inscribed with "Two Harbors - Best Feature" and the name of the festival. Photo some day.)
Mendocino Film Fes
Winnipeg Film Festival (I drove up for this festival because I'd always wanted to visit Winnipeg. And I wasn't disappointed - it has a French Quarter, a Chinatown, an Arts District. Plus striking architecture - old European buildings next to gleaming modern skyscrapers. And I had an incredible meal in a French restaurant. Best of all, Alex won the Sullivan Statue for Best Actor! Just coincidentally, I got the Sullivan Statue in the mail today from Winnipeg. It's a beautiful replica of the statue on top of the state house, or whatever it's called. A glass statue. A breakable glass statue. Which it did. Break I mean. Into six or seven pieces. I haven't told Alex yet. But it's the thought that counts, right? M
Victoria (Australia) Festival of Motion Image ("Two Harbors" was the only American film to screen at this entire festival, in any category; most were from Australia, Asia and Great Britain, and we won the Victoria Film Award for Best Feature in the Open Category! Again, I was not in attendance. Alex wasn't either, this time. But they said they would mail it to me. I hope it's not glass.)
Napa Sonoma Wine Country Film Festival (Tomorrow I fly to San Francisco. I'll stay in the city at my favorite hotel, the Hotel Kensington Park [I even have a favorite room, room 80; not sure if I'll get it this time] until Saturday morning, when I'll rent a car - actually a Ford Escape - and drive to Sonoma for an afternoon screening. Alex and his wife, Mary, will also be there.)
River's Edge Film Festival (Upcoming from August 17 to 20. I'm trying to figure out how I can make it to this festival because it looks like fun, and everyone says Paducah, Kentucky is an interesting town. We'll see.)
FAIF International Film Festival (This one's coming up in October. I might have to go, since the screenings are in Mann's Chinese Theater in Hollywood. I'll report back if I do.)
I know I'm forgetting a couple festivals. I'll update this list when I remember them. And that's it so far. More festivals pending (I hope).
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